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Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church LCMS - Coos Bay, OregonChrist Lutheran is a ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri SynodService: Sundays at 1:00 Bible Study: Sundays at 11:30 |
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A Little About Christ Lutheran MinistriesWe hope that you will visit us in person! Whether you are
What will you find when you visit Christ? At Church You will find reverent worship (punctuated, of course, by the occasional voice of the children, whom we welcome with open arms) centered on Christ and His gifts earned on the cross and given out in His Word and His Sacraments. The proclamation of the Gospel and the celebration of Holy Communion are thus the very heart and soul of our worship. Christ Lutheran Church Coos Bay, Oregon
The 1900sSummarized History of the Congregation The roots of Christ Lutheran Church and School, Coos Bay, extend back to worship services and a Sunday School held in the basement of a home at least as early as 1905. This resulted in the organization Of Zion Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, under the leadership Of Pastor L. Rasmussen on October 4, 1908. In the same year First Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, North Bend, Oregon, was organized. The two congregations and Lutherans in the Myrtle Point-Norway area were served by the same pastor. The 1910s A church was built by Zion congregation on Street in 1910. Pastor Rasmussen was pastor until 1911, followed by Pastors Andrew Lind, 1911-1912, R. O. Thorpe, 1912-1918, and P. A. Hendrickson, The 1920s-1930s 1919-1920. Pastor L. P. Jensen served as pastor from 1920 until 1928. Nearly all services were conducted in the Norwegian language by pastors from the Norwegian Synod. Since Pastor Jensen was aging and travel conditions made ministering to the three parishes difficult, contact was made in 1926 with the field secretary of the Oregon-Washington District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Rev. W. F. Georg, to try to provide more regular services in the Myrtle Point - Norway area. This led to the agreement to have a ministerial candidate from a Missouri Synod seminary come to work with Pastor Jensen. Rev. Georg and Professor W. F. C. Sylvester assisted Pastor Jensen, beginning March 13, 1927, until Ministerial Candidate Arthur Fergin was ordained and installed on July 31, 1927; he served until May 26, 1929. During his pastorate the Sunday School had an average of 30 children attending (special note: Pastor Fergin baptized Glenn Alfred Moen on March 25, 1928) and the members decided to become part of the Missouri Synod. The congregation adopted a new constitution on July 28, 1929, and changed its name to Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church to be served by Missouri Synod pastors. The North Bend congregation at about this time changed its name to Grace Lutheran Church. In August of 1929 Pastor G. W. Mathiasen was installed as pastor for Calvary and Grace congregations as well as the group in Myrtle Point; he served for 17 years until 1946. The membership in 1944 was: Calvary, Coos Bay (Marshfield changed its name to Coos Bay in that year), 110 baptized members, 49 communicants; Grace, North Bend, 75 baptized members, 27 communicants; the Mynle Point mission (which is now St. James Lutheran), 25 baptized members. The 1940s-1950s The parish became self- supporting in 1944. Pastor Roland Langbecker served the parish from 1947 until 1950. In 1951 Pastor Herbert Koehlinger was pastor for about six months before resigning and taking a number Of members to organize a congregation of the Orthodox Lutheran Synod in the Empire community. After this division Pastor Richard Gross of Cottage Grove became the vacancy pastor and then was called as pastor, being installed in April of 1951; he served until July of 1960. During his pastorate the effort was made to amalgamate the Coos Bay and North Bend congregations; many members of Grace did become members of Calvary, but some chose to be served by a different synod. Pastor Gross baptized 218 persons (190 children and 38 adults) and confirmed 86 persons (36 adults and 50 youth); the membership reached 194 communicants among 332' baptized members with 104 enrolled in Sunday School. 1K 1960 the congregation changed its name to Christ Lutheran Church. During the years Pastor Gross served, the congregation began plans to build a new church building (although already in 1947 efforts toward this had been made). In 1957 various sites were investigated until the present site at 15th and Myrtle was purchased in January of 1959. The 1960s-1970s Early in 1960 the old church building was sold; services were then held in Milner Crest School until the new church was built. The Voters Assembly on November 10, 1960, formally accepted plans to build at a cost of $92,535; the church was dedicated November 19, 1961. The 1980s The mortgage on this building was burned on May 6, 1984. The 1990s Coming soon The 2000s Coming soon The 2010s Coming soon The 2020s Coming soon |
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We BelieveThe Vision of Christ Lutheran Church: Christ Lutheran is a Christ-centered, deeply sacramental and sometimes eclectic ministry in Coos Bay. This vision is centered upon the promise of God in the book of Isaiah: “My house of worship will be known as a house of prayer for all people” (Isaiah 56:7). With that vision in mind, we believe… There is only one true God. He has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is His Word, His message of salvation for all people. The whole of Scripture finds its meaning and center in Christ Jesus. We are all born sinful and therefore separated from the God who created us. We cannot from our own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, or come to Him. In other words, we are all powerless to save ourselves in any way. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world. He is both true God and true man. He lived a sinless life, suffered and died on the cross to pay the debt and the penalty that we, in our sinfulness, deserve. He bodily rose from the dead so that we, too, migt be raised to eternal life. He ascended into heaven, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for us. Faith in Jesus Christ is a gift of God. We can’t come up with this faith within ourselves, and there’s nothing we can do to make it “stronger.” Our faith is from God. Our belief is from God. Our salvation is from God. God gives His people the gifts of His grace, faith, life, and salvation through the Word – both the spoken Word of God’s promise in the Gospel, and the written Word in the Holy Scriptures – and throuh His blessed sacraments: Baptism and the Eucharist (also called The Lord’s Supper and Holy Communion.) In Baptism, Christ claims us to be His children. In these holy waters, His death becomes our death; His resurrection becomes our resurrection. In short, Baptism saves us by the Word and Promise of Jesus Christ. In the Lord’s Supper, Christ gives us His body and His blood to eat and drink. In eating and drinking the bread and wine, therefore, we are strengthened by Him, in our faith, and given the gifts of grace, forgiveness, and everlasting life. Jesus will come again in the body, and take all believers to Himself. On that Last Day, all people will be raised from the dead. Those who are still alive will be “transformed”, as the Bible tells us. Those who are in Christ will be raised to everlasting life.. The Holy Church consists of all believers of all times who have been called to faith in the Triune God and in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Christians are called to live out our life in Christ by loving and serving our neighbors. All of them. Return |
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Worship:1:00 p.m.The Worship at Christ Lutheran is done in the historical way, utilizing ancient worship forms from places such as North Africa and Jerusalem as found in the Lutheran Service Book.This type of worship may be very familiar to you, or perhaps not. Simply because it is done in a way that often seems "odd" or "strange" or even (ahem) "boring" to some people, is no reason you should disregard it. When Christians of the last 2,000 years have gathered together, it has always been something that looked VERY DIFFERENT from the world. It was a time for:
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Sermons/Media![]() ![]() ![]() Return |
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Church Staff![]() Pastor: Vacant (coming soon!) ![]() Kristin Rodrigues Office Manager Return |
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Contact UsWe'd love to hear from you!Phone: (541)267-3851 Fax: (541)267-3331 E-mail: office@coosbaylutheran.org Mailing 1835 N.15th Coos Bay Oegon,97420 Return |